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Zooarchaeology in China

Professor Brunson conducts fieldwork in China annually in order to investigate past human-animal interactions in East Asia. She collaborates with zooarchaeologists across China and is part of several international teams that are investigating Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites. She has conducted archaeological fieldwork and zooarchaeological analyses of sites in Gansu, Henan, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Yunnan Provinces. You can read about some of these projects below!

Complex pathways towards emergent pastoral settlements: New research on the Bronze Age Xindian Culture of Northwest China

Human Adaptation to Holocene Environments: Perspectives and Promise from China

The Majiayao to Qijia transition: exploring the intersection of technological and social continuity and change

Digging Deep into Chinese History

Zooarchaeology, ancient mtDNA, and radiocarbon dating provide new evidence for the emergence of domestic cattle and caprines in the Tao River Valley of Gansu Province, northwest China

Human paleodiet and animal utilization strategies during the Bronze Age in northwest Yunnan Province, southwest China

Zooarchaeological and Genetic Evidence for the Origins of Domestic Cattle in Ancient China

Early foraging settlement of the Tibetan Plateau highlands

New insights into the origins of oracle bone divination: Ancient DNA from Late Neolithic Chinese bovine

Sheep, Cattle, and Specialization: New Zooarchaeological Perspectives on the Taosi Longshan

PDFs available on Katherine Brunson’s page.
