NeanderthalAAC Catalogue Number: 2004.11.40Dates: 127,000-30,000 years agoGeographic Range: Europe and Western AsiaAnatomical Features: Large brainsRounded craniaSmall back teeth, heavily worn front teethRobust, short, heavily muscled bodiesTechnology Used: Neanderthals likely used…
Homo floresiensisAAC Catalogue Number: 2007.1.Dates: Original Date: 95,000 – 12,000 years ago; Revised Date: 700,000 – 50,000 years ago Geographic Range: Flores, Indonesia Anatomical Features: Homo floresiensis was very small compared to…
Homo habilisAAC Catalogue Number: 2004.1.18Dates: 2.3-1.7 million years agoGeographic Range: East AfricaAnatomical Features: Apelike, consistent with other semi-arboreal australopithecines.Technology Used: Homo habilis utilized Mode I (Oldowan) industries. Diet: Fruits and tubers likely…
Homo heidelbergensisAAC Catalogue Number: 2005.2.1Dates: 900,000-130,000 years agoGeographic Range: Africa and EurasiaAnatomical Features: Large forward projecting face with large brow ridges Large brainsLarge teethLower jaw without a chinTechnology Used: Homo heidelbergensis used Mode…
Sahelanthropus tchadensis AAC Catalogue Number: 2005.1.4Dating: 6-7 million years agoGeographic Range: East AfricaAnatomical Features: The foramen magnum is located under the skull compared to its…
Proconsul afticanus AAC Catalogue Number: 2004.11.37 Dates: 14-23 million years ago Geographic Range: Eastern Africa, likely inhabited rainforests and woodlands. Anatomical Features: No brow ridges, which is dissimilar…
Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustusAAC Catalogue Number: 2004.11.7Dates: 1.8-1 million years agoGeographic Range: South AfricaAnatomical Features: Large teeth with thick enamel for chewing tough foods.Large zygomatic arches and…
Australopithecus africanusAAC Catalogue Number: 2005.2.2Dates: 3 – 2.2 million years agoGeographic Range: South AfricaAnatomical Features: Relatively short compared to other hominins, estimated at around four to…
Pumpkin Carving with Stone Tools (Fall 2024) Fall 2024 Reported by Cadence Cole (’26) On October 25th, the Archaeology & Anthropology Collections and the Archaeology…
Elk Cervical Vertebra Metadata: KB18 03 Elk Cervial Vertebra Scanned on November 3, 2021 by Fletcher Levy and Andres Angeles Paredes with Artec Space Spider Elk…