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Category: Paleoanthropology 3D Scans

Homo erectus

Photograph of a Homo erectus cranium at three-quarter view.

Homo erectusAAC Catalogue Number: 2004.11.39Dates: 1.9 – 0.5 million years agoGeographic Range: Africa and EurasiaAnatomical Features: Much larger brains and smaller teeth compared to australopithecines.Shares some archaic traits with…


Photograph of a Neanderthal cranium at three-quarter view.

NeanderthalAAC Catalogue Number: 2004.11.40Dates: 127,000-30,000 years agoGeographic Range: Europe and Western AsiaAnatomical Features: Large brainsRounded craniaSmall back teeth, heavily worn front teethRobust, short, heavily muscled bodiesTechnology Used: Neanderthals likely used…

Homo floresiensis

Photograph of a Homo floresiensis cranium at three-quarter view.

Homo floresiensisAAC Catalogue Number: 2007.1.Dates: Original Date: 95,000 – 12,000 years ago; Revised Date: 700,000 – 50,000 years ago Geographic Range: Flores, Indonesia Anatomical Features: Homo floresiensis was very small compared to…

Homo habilis

Photograph of a Homo habilis cranium at three-quarter view.

Homo habilisAAC Catalogue Number: 2004.1.18Dates:  2.3-1.7 million years agoGeographic Range: East AfricaAnatomical Features: Apelike, consistent with other semi-arboreal australopithecines.Technology Used: Homo habilis utilized Mode I (Oldowan) industries. Diet: Fruits and tubers likely…

Homo heidelbergensis

Photograph of a Homo heidelbergensis cranium at three-quarter view.

Homo heidelbergensisAAC Catalogue Number: 2005.2.1Dates: 900,000-130,000 years agoGeographic Range: Africa and EurasiaAnatomical Features: Large forward projecting face with large brow ridges Large brainsLarge teethLower jaw without a chinTechnology Used:  Homo heidelbergensis used Mode…

Australopithecus afarensis

Photograph of an Australopithecus afarensis cranium at three-quarter view

Australopithecus afarensis AAC Catalogue Number: 2004.11.38Dates: 3.6 – 3.0 million years agoGeographic Range: East AfricaAnatomical Features: Evidence of bipedalism indicated by the shift in location of…
